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© 2023 JOY Goat Development Programme

Partner with us

Developing ideal breeds for Uganda

Introduction to partnership

History tells us that the best people to do breed development are those who understand the need for the new breed. The European dairy goats were developed by people who wanted milk for their families and to sell to neighbours. The South African Boer goat was developed by ranchers who had a good market for goat meat.

But history also tells us that the people who did best at breeding have earned a lot more money by selling breeding stock than those who only sold milk or meat.

Our potential partners are therefore people who want to improve their own goats to make their business more successful; but who can also make the most of opportunities to sell high-price breeding stock as well.

Farmers groups and rural NGOs

Although dairy goats are fairly new in Uganda, and unfamiliar to many, their importance is rapidly increasing as land pressure means that less pasture is available for cattle. We are convinced that in the future, most people who keep one or two goats at home will want them to provide milk. The Kabulya Smallholder Goat is aimed as arable smallholders like that.

Breed improvement is mostly about selective breeding. The people that the breed are for are best-qualified to know which are the best breeding goats to select. So we are looking for forward-looking farmers’ groups, CBOs and NGOs who will be able to coordinate the efforts of the individual farmers, and help them to reap the benefits.

Although a majority of smallholders will want to keep the KSG, there are some who favour the Kabulya Commercial Goat, because it has a much higher milk production. This is only feasible where there has been substantial training on zero-grazing. However, for those who are prepared to put the effort in, it offers opportunities for producing enough milk to sell.


The Boer Goat was developed by ranchers in quite dry parts of South Africa, but the purebred Boers do not do well in the wetter conditions in most of East Africa. We are looking for people with a similar vision to do the same thing for Uganda and East Africa generally. The breed development process requires a very hands-on approach, and will not suit goat owners who do not live on their farms. But for people prepared to pay attention to the record keeping and planning that is required, there are very clear benefits to joining the breeding programme for the Kabulya Meat Goat.

Large-scale peri-urban farmers

Some people in or near Kampala have already established large zero-grazing units in order to supply fresh milk or cheese to the urban market. When goats are already zero-razed it requires little extra effort to carry out planned selective breeding. Joining an organised breeding programme such as that for the Kabulya Commercial Goat has clear benefits in terms of improved productivity and marketing of offspring

The target breeds

Kabulya Commercial Goat (KCG)
This breed is intended for production of milk for selling, under zero-grazing conditions.

Kabulya Smallholders’ Goat (KSG)
This breed is intended to supply enough milk for household needs, while being managed using the traditional methods that are used for local goats.

Kabulya Meat Goat
This breed is intended to be both fast-growing and disease resistant, and kept under free-grazing (ranching) conditions. (Not tethered or zero-grazed.)


We are not a funding organisation. Please do not approach us for partnership in the hope of getting investment funding for your farm. If you want to join the breeding programme, you need to have sufficient resources to get started, and sufficient time and energy to manage your side of the partnership.


JOY Goat Development Programme is supporting the Kabulya Breeding initiative because it is of strategic value in the struggle to alleviate poverty and raise living standards across Uganda. We hope that our partners will share this vision and get the same satisfaction of a job well done. But that is not the only benefit.

Any livestock keeper should plan their breeding strategy carefully. The goats that are born now, become the next years herd. The better the breeding, the more productive the animals. By joining our breeding programme you will ensure that you get the best training and also access to other like-minded farmers with whom you can exchange both ideas and breeding stock. And you will ensure that your goats are always one step ahead in terms of both productivity and ease of management.

As a national organisation with international connections we are able to access markets that individual farmers often cannot. By partnering with us, you can also tap into those markets. And you will have quality goats that can get a good price.

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